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Artikel-Nr.: 008

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3HE/15TE Rackmount Modul: Multimode Filter mit 12 Filtertypen  (Tief-, Hoch- und Bandpässe) mit 3 verschiedenen Resonanzmodi, echter 4-Stage-Phaser mit 12 Funktionen, 2nd harmonic Distortion, Reso-Emphasize (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.85), Output Gain (-20 db - 0 db), Output clip LED; CV-Inputs für: Frequenz (1 V/Okt., 1x Poti (Abschwächer)), Resonanz (0-5 V)

3HU/15PU rackmount module: Multimodal filter with 12 filter types (low-, high- and bandpasses) with 3 different resonance modes, true 4-Stage-Phaser with 12 functions, 2nd harmonic distortion, Reso-Emphasize (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.85), Output Gain (-20 db - 0 db), Output clip LED; CV-Inputs: Frequency (1 V/Oct., 1x Pot (attenuator)), resonance (0-5 V)

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